Together We Enlarge the Silver Lining Around the Massive Covid-19 CloudKevin’s iMac - a Silver Lining Around a Massive Cloud
For many, it’s just a photo of an everyday activity, a student at a computer, because so little is known about our “Kevins”. For me it’s a heartwarming photo. And if you read on, you’ll get the picture from a new perspective. I look at Kevin perched at his little desk at the iMac, with a smile on my face and in my heart, knowing we’ve made an enormous difference in his life. Kevin is among the fortunate few who through us and others, pulling for him, had a good chance of making it through when school shutdown in 11th grade… And he did! Now in the class of 2021, he graduates with a full scholarship to Ohio University!
That invaluable iMac we provided him with allowed him to: continue his classes online and his college prep workshops, and search for colleges and scholarships. What an empowering tool, a basic necessity in the educational system today. Now do you get the picture? Kevin was among the many students struggling to stay on course with schoolwork and couldn’t without access to the technology. His is a vastly different life from his wealthier peers who not only have access to their classes online, but also have parents receiving pitches daily for online acting classes, music lessons, tutoring, on-line read-alouds, science & technology websites. Is the photo becoming more heartwarming for you as well, knowing what a difference that little old iMac made in his life… someone else’s trade-in gets a new life, and gives a new life. He’s on the next part of a challenging journey toward a degree, a fulfilling lucrative profession, and upward mobility for him and his family. Where would he be without it? Not anywhere near where he is today. ~ MaryAnn I was supposed to go to Rome to study abroad, but was cancelled due to covid- bummer! Instead, I was able to come and explore wonderful D.C. and work for a month!
~Zoee |