What a Difference a Donation Makes
Inspiring Student Stories
“A lot of people think if you give a kid a scholarship, now the kid’s set…they’ve got everything they need. Nothing could be further from the truth.” Chris Metzler, director of student services at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Every semester our select group of partial scholarship recipients will face college and living expenses they and their families can’t afford. Through your support we can provide Supplemental Scholarship awards to our DC International Charter School grads, to keep them in college and reduce debt. Helping them move along on their journey toward a degree, a fulfilling profession and upward mobility with a little more ease and less debt is important to us. Donations make their uphill climb less burdensome.
Every semester our select group of partial scholarship recipients will face college and living expenses they and their families can’t afford. Through your support we can provide Supplemental Scholarship awards to our DC International Charter School grads, to keep them in college and reduce debt. Helping them move along on their journey toward a degree, a fulfilling profession and upward mobility with a little more ease and less debt is important to us. Donations make their uphill climb less burdensome.
For Luz, our Supplemental Scholarship AMEX Card Opens Doors for Professional Development & Opportunities
When we picked up her tuition gap expense she could use her card instead for groceries, prescriptions, and course material. Luz's expense report surprised us with her purchases of professional development expenses she couldn’t otherwise afford: a $195 open water dive certification; and a registration fee for a linguistics conference she’ll be presenting at.
"I’m gearing up to start my next co-op (experiential learning program) as a diver at the New England Aquarium... Here in New England, fisheries is a such a prolific industry ... I actually went diving a couple weeks ago with someone who is a professional diver in NY for an oyster restoration organization, which sounds like a cool job. Seems promising that there are opportunities to continue working on fisheries and oysters after I leave Boston.” Luz, 2021 DCI grad, junior at Northeastern University, studying environmental science & ecology |
What Damaris Has To Say About Her Supplemental Scholarship Award Card
"Funds for additional expenses are very helpful for me. For example, the AOFC Supplemental Scholarship Award allows me: to get to and from school; to rent the books for my classes; to travel to and from the airport and my campus either by Lyft/ Uber or by using the public transportation ... I am the sole provider of funds for my bachelor's degree." 2021 DCI grad, Posse Scholar, attending Lewis & Clark College; a future teacher majoring in Psychology
Imagine If We Hadn’t Pitched In . . . What A Difference A Donation Makes!
JaQuari's Emergency Tuition Gap Paid - Honor Roll Made
JaQuari's Emergency Tuition Gap Paid - Honor Roll Made
“Hey MaryAnn! This is JaQuari and I just wanted to thank you again for providing me with the last amount of funds for the spring semester! I was able to get honor roll after having a shaky first semester!” JaQuari, DCI class of 2022 & scholarship recipient at George Mason University
Had All Out for Change® not provided the “last amount of funds” that outcome, honor roll, would have been impossible; he couldn’t have registered and enrolled in spring semester classes. Thanks to a generous donor, we handed him an opportunity and he ran with it! |
Franklin - "I'm going to clock into my last shift at Chipotle...I'm so excited!"
In mid-August, in a conversation with Franklin I asked him, “What would you do with your time at school if you didn’t work 30hrs/week at Chipotle to pay your $12,000/year tuition gap?” Ideas poured out of him. I shared that conversation with one of our supporters, she remarked, “I want to sponsor him!” And so, we launched our first Tuition Gap Opportunity Award. When I called Franklin to share the news, he was stunned and bursting with gratitude.
When asked how he would benefit from the award, Franklin wrote back, "I will focus my time into my studies and work towards my career goals, the Peace Corps and Foreign Service...Thanks for all your help. God knows I would not be where I am without your constant support. All Out for Change has been a Godsend in many ways." In September he said, "I’m a part of 3 executive boards for clubs...So many things that I wouldn’t have been able to do while working at Chipotle." Franklin, 2022 DCI grad, attending Catholic University |
Jesus emailed us, "I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to the donors for their generous contributions.
Their financial assistance has been a significant benefit, especially since I had to relocate across the country for college. The funds have helped cover various expenses related to the move, from setting up my new living space to purchasing essential items." Jesus, 2023 DCI grad, Posse Scholar attending Lewis & Clark College, a future Doctor
Anthony D. Anderson, Our Supplemental Scholarship Awardee Since 2017, Keeps Soaring Higher
We hope all recipients of All Out For Change® awards excel and share in the same good fortune on their journeys as Anthony has.
We hope all recipients of All Out For Change® awards excel and share in the same good fortune on their journeys as Anthony has.
Since 2017, Anthony has received support from AOFC that kept him in school and minimized his debt: funds to apply to undergraduate and graduate schools and travel to audition; an ipad, a vital component for his success; a replacement laptop; supplemental scholarship funds for essentials like transportation to campus, meals, groceries, books, etc; housing assistance during his 2 years of grad school at UMD’s Opera Studio. In addition to receiving 2 full-ride undergrad music conservatory scholarship offers, and a scholarship to University of Maryland’s graduate Opera Studio, Anthony’s making strides toward an opera career: his bachelor’s degree, and May 2024 his graduate degree, and now seeking professional opportunities. He has accumulated a wealth of experience and accomplishments thanks to his talent, hard work, commitment to his goals, and the support our donors have provided.
Anthony performs at the Lincoln Memorial with the Washington National Opera Orchestra, June 1, 2024
Watch this short captivating video that conveys the powerful experience for thousands of people of all ages, many, new to opera, and taken by the music and the performers.
Sept. 20, 2024, Anthony texted, “Hey Maryann, I got to perform at the White House yesterday!
Watch Anthony’s Performance on August 18, 2022 at our Celebration of Achievements through excellence in education & student supplemental support; he performs with Michael Crabill, Anthony's mentor/coach/pianist since his high school days at Duke Ellington School of the Arts.
May 2022 Anthony accepts a scholarship offer for graduate studies at the University of Maryland, Opera Studio. March 2022 Anthony announced..." the Des Moines Metro Opera company offered me a position in their Young Artist Apprenticeship program this summer. Des Moines is a renowned and highly revered company in the opera world and I cannot contest that this is an amazing opportunity..." |
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Watch the NBC4 Washington Interview that Followed Anthony's Outstanding Performance in September 2021. News4's Darcy Spencer reports on the highs and lows of his journey. While a senior at Oberlin he was chosen by Cantate as their first Young Artist of Color. With this honor he received mentoring, career guidance and professional networking support. Also, watch his WUSA9 Interview. Congrats, Anthony!!!
Anthony, recipient of our first 2017 College Access Grant: Get the picture, Our first grant recipient’s inspiring story and Today Show segment illustrate how potential is mined when embraced by a nonprofit program and strangers who “get the picture”, care, and contribute funds to achieve aspirations."I’m blessed," Anthony remarked, when we first met. And that, he is: with talent for opera, his voice; acceptance into an extraordinary nonprofit program from 6th through 12th grades and into a public magnet school for the arts where his gift was nurtured. The only crucial thing missing? The Money… to pay off first-term college debt and release his transcripts to apply to, audition at and visit universities and music conservatories… in hopes of receiving a generous scholarship. |
Listen to his September 2020 recording of 'Deep River', accompanied by pianist, Thomas Bandy.
He’s very lucky his situation was published in the newspaper. Watch the Today Show segment about his struggles he faced in pursuit of his dream and how his luck turns things around.
After reading about Anthony's predicament, he became our first College Access grant recipient. He used the All Out for Change® grant for applications and travel expenses for colleges visits, interviews, and auditions. In May 2018 Anthony shared the scholarship outcomes and his decision: he accepted a full ride scholarship to Oberlin Conservatory of Music. With gratitude for all the support he received on his journey over the years he remarked, “It really does take a village!” |
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Read about some eye-opening student conundrums that All Out for Change® supporters help to solve.
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